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    A biblical perspective on the unfairness of life

    When good people get cancer and when bad people get promotions, we may feel tempted to say, “God, what is going on?” Today we take a look at Psalm 73, which asks the question, “Why is life so unfair at times?” Discover the answer with us!

    A praise song about bitterness

    Typically, we think worship music should express our love, joy, or gratitude to God. That’s why the lyrics of Psalm 73 can be a bit shocking. Join us on “Discover the Word” today for an eye-opening conversation.

    Consider Jesus’ instruction not to throw holy and sacred things away

    If we had a nice, juicy filet mignon, we’d likely not put that expensive cut of meat into our dog’s food bowl! But are we giving away the priceless spiritual gifts we’ve received?

    Historical context for a puzzling reference Jesus made about pearls and pigs

    The Bible wasn’t written in the twenty-first century. So to truly understand certain passages of Scripture, we have to travel back to the culture and people it was originally written to!

    If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part I

    When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

    If God is God, Why do Bad Things Happen? Part II

    When it comes to questions of suffering and evil, no one has all the answers. However, author and speaker Os Guinness presents a compelling case that leads to faith and courage. With an engaging style, he introduces three perspectives on evil, examines the difference between suffering and evil, and shares steps to help you think through the problem of evil. Discover how you can cope with life and find reason to trust in God when bad things happen.

    Finding faith for the unpredictability of life

    If there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that there are no guarantees in this life! So, how do we trust a reliable God in an unreliable world?

    What We Believe | Discovery Series

    As important as a foundation is to the strength and stability of a house, so also is the value of sound doctrine in the spiritual life of a believer. In this study, 10 basic doctrines of the Christian faith are examined to help you lay a strong foundation of truth in your heart.

    What If It’s True? Examining Four Important Spiritual Questions

    To an unbeliever, the claims of Christianity can sometimes sound too good to be true, especially when searching for answers to situations in life. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder examines questions many have concerning the validity of Jesus, the Bible,

    Why Would A Good God Allow Suffering?

    Everything in life happens for a reason, even though you may not always understand it. In this booklet, author Kurt De Haan helps you discover how to put suffering to work for you. Gain a better understanding of how the pain in your life can help you recognize attacks from the enemy, seek God in faith and hope, be

    Do Christians Believe In Three Gods?

    Find out what the Bible says about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Join author Herb Vander Lugt as he takes a deeper look at Christians’ belief in a three-in-one

    Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead?

    No other single issue is more central to the Christian faith than the reality of Christ’s resurrection. In this study, Dave Branon explores historical and biblical evidence that will give you reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Discover the importance of your response to His resurrection and how it relates to your eternal destiny.

    Jesus & The Gospels: Answers to Tough Questions, Part II

    Many questions are being asked today about beliefs that have been held by Christians for centuries. Did Jesus really say and do what the Bible reports? Are the gospel accounts contained in the Bible really true or were they exaggerations and misrepresentations of the facts? Take a deeper look into these questions with host Mart DeHaan and hear from scholars who have studied the recent archaeological discoveries that many say disprove what Christians believe. Find out for yourself if Jesus really is who the Bible claims.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Jesus & The Gospels: Answers to Tough Questions, Part I

    Many questions are being asked today about beliefs that have been held by Christians for centuries. Did Jesus really say and do what the Bible reports? Are the gospel accounts contained in the Bible really true or were they exaggerations and misrepresentations of the facts? Take a deeper look into these questions with host Mart DeHaan and hear from scholars who have studied the recent archaeological discoveries that many say disprove what Christians believe. Find out for yourself if Jesus really is who the Bible claims.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Genocide or Judgment

    For centuries many have wondered how the God of the Bible could order His chosen people to take an already occupied land and kill its residents. Today, more than ever, we are globally aware of the danger of religious points of view that cause harm to others. So how do people of the Bible explain the ancient conquest of the Promised Land and a people known as the Canaanites? Genocide or Judgment?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

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